About Karuna Reiki
Karuna Reiki is a type of healing that is based on the principles of compassion, love, and empathy. Karuna is a Sanskrit word which means the empathetic actions of an individual to one who experiences pain. Practitioners of Karuna Reiki attempt to become one with the receiver for a smooth transmission of positive energy.
Karuna Reiki makes use of verbal chanting to create a healing vibration that penetrates deep into the mind and body. At its core, it’s about accepting, forgiving and understanding. Those who have been healed by Karuna Reiki say that they have experienced nothing of this magnitude before.
Origin Of The Karuna Reiki Healing
The Karuna Reiki Healing was developed by Reiki Master William L. Rand. The symbols were channelled by Several other Reiki Masters including Marcy Miller, Mellie-Ray Marine, Pat Courtney, Catherine Mills Bellamount and Maria Abraham. Mr.william used the symbols and found them to have great value but felt that they had more potential that what was being accessed.
Mr.william meditated on them and was guided to develop the attunement process and to call the new system Karuna Reiki. Some of the symbols used in Karuna Reiki healing are used in other systems, but they do not have same effectiveness or healing energies as in the Karuna Reiki.
Karuna Reiki healing energy is different that Usui Reiki and in fact, most student find it more powerful than Usui Reiki. The energy has a more definite feeling to it and works on all the energy bodies at the same time. Students report a feeling of the energy surrounds them all over the body. The Karuna Reiki practitioners also feel the energy passes through all over and not simply through their hands.
This class includes the new upgraded Holy Fire® III energy which is considerably more powerful and effective than the previous Holy Fire® III energy. You will be able to use the Karuna symbols in your Reiki sessions and teach the complete Holy Fire® III Online Karuna Reiki® Master Training, and Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki, I & II and Master, online and in person.
During the course you will be initiated into eight Symbols. As well as learning the healing techniques and receive four ignitions, you will receive many powerful healing experiences.
In the Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® class attunements are replaced by Placements and Ignitions. Instructions on how to give Placements and Ignitions are taught in class. The energies of the symbols previously included in Karuna Reiki® classes have been upgraded to be Holy Fire® III energies, making them more refined and effective.

Karuna Reiki® which was the first expression of this class, was developed by William Lee Rand and other healers at the International Center for Reiki Training in the 90’s. The Holy Fire® aspect of this system was received 21 years later on January 23, 2014, and was added to both the Reiki Master and the Karuna Reiki® systems.
The Holy Fire® energy refines and enhances the effectiveness of the Karuna healing energy and the energy of the Karuna symbols.
In addition, the Holy Fire® symbol is the new master symbol for Karuna Reiki®.
“Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.” When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit.” – ICRT
William Lee Rand, founder, and president of The International Center for Reiki Training, says:
‘Karuna Reiki® evolved out of Usui and Tibetan Reiki from a desire and knowingness that there is always something greater waiting to be uncovered. It brings in healing energies that are noticeably stronger. Many who have been Reiki Masters for years begin channelling healing results that are more powerful than previously experienced.’